Are you facing an unwanted pregnancy and considering abortion services in Nashville, Tennessee? If so, you're not alone. At CHOICES, we understand the difficult decisions you may be facing and are here to provide you with the information and support you need. We offer medical-grade on-site pregnancy testing at no cost, as well as the abortion pill for those who are eligible. The first step is to take a pregnancy test and, if eligible, have an ultrasound.
We offer both at our Columbia and Thompson's Station offices. An ultrasound will tell you how far along your pregnancy is, which will determine the type of abortion available to you. After confirming that you have a viable pregnancy and determining how far along you are, the next step is to consider all of your options. Since abortion is a medical procedure, it's important to learn everything you can before making a final decision. At Hope Clinic, we want to invest in your general well-being and accompany you on this detour of your life.
We can answer any questions you have about the abortion pill, examine you and analyze your medical history to make sure it's safe and effective for you, and prescribe it if it is. We offer our services to everyone, no matter where you come from. If you're coming from across state lines, please let us know so we can help make your trip easier. If you haven't had a menstrual period and think you might be pregnant, CHOICES is one of Tennessee's leading abortion clinics serving Nashville, TN. We can provide the information and support you need to make an informed decision about your pregnancy.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.